New Fish Opinon Wanted


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi All
Looking for your opinon on this please ?
On saturday went to an aquatic shop and was looking for a nice looking shoal of fish , I took my time looking in all the tanks , there was a couple that for what ever reason were of sale , on looking around I came to a tank with Round Barrel Barbs . I have always stayed away from barbs before but after asking the relevant questions and also googled them quickly found out they were a more peacefull type.
Checked tank as much as you can and came away with 6 , placed bag in tank with light of for 20 mins and then slowly added my own tank water after another 25 mins added them to my tank and left lights of till next day. I gave tank a good clean on Saturday before getting my purchase and all my fish looked healthy.
here comes the biggy , on Sunday late afternoon I was sitting watching my fish and noticed 1 of the new fish had some fungus on her top fin and 2 more just the size of a pin on there tail. So started treatment up straight away. The new fish had been in my tank for roughly 24 hrs.
I phoned the shop up this morning to let them know there could be a problem with there tank to be told , there fish are always quaratined and were ok and it must have been my tank that had the problem. When I told the gentleman no this was not the case as my fish had no signs of this before and still do not . He then went on to say oh well must have been the stress of the move and with all the bacteria in the water this is what has caused the 3 fish out of the 6 to have this problem . So I then pointed out that the 1 fish which has it on her top dorsal fin was quite bad and was to much for a short time and was told straight away by the gentleman this was rubbish and that was the end of the phonecall .
So why is it when you purchase your fish they always say any problems , just bring them back but in reality we now have your money bye bye.
Question is , is it possible the fish could have picked this up in transit or more likely they already had this ?
Sorry for the war and peace but would like your in put on this

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