New Filter?


Mostly New Member
Nov 24, 2014
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Hi all,
I bought a used 20 gallon tank, along with the used filter that went with it (aquarline resun magi-380) which I assume is quite old.  Was told that one should replace cheapo pumps every three or four years.  I don't know how old this one is, but I am assuming it was a cheapo one to start with, and I would like to have a good new filter.  So here is my question.
I would like to buy an internal filter for my 20 gallon tank.
My budget is  under 40Euros (unless you have a really good argument as to why I should go above)
What are your recommendations?
Also what are your thoughts on filter media?
PS my LFS is closed today, but the mongo fish store in paris reccomends the API Rena Superclean 90
and they don't carry anything else.  Hmmm.
A few observations. I have my very first AquaClear 200 gph hang on filter running now for 13+ years and many more running over 10. They are not exactly expensive of super high quality. External filters increase the total water volume in a system by some amount. I have never liked internal filters. More work to clean, they look ugly in a tank and take up space that could work for other things. Internals reduce the total volume of water.
Media depends on two things- your approach to filtration and the specific needs of a tank. Most of my filters use sponges and filter floss. I have some ceramic bio-media in canisters.
Hi TwoTankAmin (love the handle, assume that it is inspired by Arthur "Two Sheds"Jackson?")
Thanks for the info.  Certainly hang on filters appeal to me, but doesn't my tank having a top preclude a hang on filter?  I do hate having the filter in my tank as I do find it very ugly, but it sounds like the external filters are much more expensive.
I have been running JBL crystalprofi externals on my tanks for a good 2 years now and I really like them. Super quiet, super efficient (my e901 only uses 13 watts of power) and really easy to maintain. If you are really sold on internal JBL do very good internals too. My Dad has the e80 on his 50 litre tank and like me, he really likes it. 
They are German made so there should be no problem getting them in France. JBL do a very good range of different types on media depending on your circumstances too :)
Hi Akasha,
Now that's what I like!  A 'you should get this!' post.  

I have been going crazy googling filters for the last three hours and I am here to announce that the interweb has answers for everything EXCEPT what is a good aquarium filter.  No consumer report, no 'if this is your situation you should do this', 'this brand stinks, I heart this brand'.  Nothing.  Just a billion overviews of the different types of filtrations possible, and very few opinions.
So here is my short list
Tetra IN 600
Rena Superclean 90
JBL cristalprofi i80
and now a dark horse, the jbl external e 401.  I am all ears for an external, as my set up works for an external (aquarium on top of cabinet) and I don't like the aesthetics of an interal filter.  But it does clock in at twice the price of the internal.  IS it also expensive to replace the media on these filters?
Thank you for all of your input.  Would realy like to buy my filter tommorow.  Because I have a few days off from work, and then it gets complicated to spend the time goofing around.
Cheers and thanks all
Oh shoot.  Forgot to add Eheim internal or even external  filters (though which one, I am not sure) because everyone agrees that ehiem is the cat's pyjamas.
Sooooo... I decided to go to my LFS (a mom and pop operation)and the fellow there is very nice.  Don't know if he is going to be in business much longer though.  I told him I was looking into buying a new filter, he said well what kind of filter do you have?  I responded despondently that it was an Aquarline Resun Magi-380.  He'd never heard of it but told me to bring it in, and he'd have a look.  Brought it in, and he proceded to dismantle the motor and give the whole thing a good clean, saw that there was a broken rubber piece, proceded to find a replacement piece that was not quite the right size that he modified so that it would fit, and then filled one of the filtration cartridges with carbon and sent me on my way.
I didn't even have the time to insist that I wanted a new filter.  He was having none of it. He even said that the filter was pretty poorly designed (not enough area for filtration) but did not even remotely propose that I look into one of the fine filters on his shelf.
So I guess that's that.
Bound to forever be the owner of this thing
sorry clovis, I replied to you and then forgot all about it! If you get a subscription for a years PFK they're giving you a JBL e401 this month ;) lol
If PFK are recommending them then they must be okay lol. They are really good. I'll have a look on the net and see if I can find a review or two for you to read. It might help you decide :)
An older video shot before they were updated but it still gives you a good idea of them
I find that the pre-filter sponges are the only sponges that need cleaning regularily. The rest of the filter only needs cleaning once in a blue moon - ie:hardly ever
Hope that's helpful

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