new figure 8


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Hello all;

I finally did it, I got me a figure 8 puffer, boy is he cute. Now I seriously know why people have so many of the little guys. We haven't named him yet, but my 3 yr old son calls him "blueberry". why, I don't know.
Anyways, any helpful tips would be appreciated.
I did A LOT of reading before I went and did this, but tips from those who have these guys, always helps.
The Fish dude didn't feed him any snails ( :blink: ) so I don't know if he would like them. Right now he is living on brine shrimp, but my thinking is that I sure would not like the same thing day in and day out.
Thanks again, Elizabeth :D

Did I mention he is so darn CUTE!
He sounds cool!

I think your kid has defo picked a cool name for him 2!!!
As for the snails if you have any in your tank alredy I'm sure he'll hunt them down.
If not then I'm sure he'd enjoy a couple to snack on!
They do look tasty... :sick:
yay! well done! I managed to get hold of 2 last week to replace my original fig 8. They love bloodworms as well as brine shrimp, artemia and tubifex worms. My original fig 8 also used to take flakes. If you put some snails in your tank when they breed your puffer will almost certainly eat the tiny baby snails (im guessing he's still pretty small)

Even if they have never been fed snails before they will go crazy for them once they work out they are edible!

I take it from your research youknow that they need to be moved into brackish water as they mature. If you need any help pm me. I have had a lot of help from GodricPuffer in regards to puffers, and CFC with keeping a brackish tank, so they will probably be the experts to talk to :)
Thank you for your advice. I just went and stole some snails from my mother in law, and Blueberry (yes, that' the name we have gone with) went absolutely crazy for them. Now he has the taste for class, Escargot! :rolleyes:
You can try frozen bloodworm as well, mine go mad for it. Try him on various foods and see what he likes, as varied is good and usually most good LFS have a wide range of frozen foods to give them.

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