New Community Tank


Moved On
Dec 29, 2014
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Good news/bad news scenario here.
Bad news is I have to let go of my 120 gal tank that I just acquired this past winter. I have a small house and it's just too big. 
Good new is I am downsizing to a 33 gal flat back hex and going back to Africans. I am transferring the sand and two filters from the 120 so I will should be fully cycled right off the bat.
Some of my favorite species are brichardi, multifasciatus, and ocellatus. I'm thinking about getting an aulonocara peacock as a centerpiece fish.
My tank will be well filtered and well rocked, so overstocking is an option. I'm looking for suggestions on combinations and quantities.
Oh yeah, that transcriptus in my avi was one of a pair that I raised about 10 years ago. Another one of my favorites.
Pics to come of the 120 gal. once I figure out how to post them. The 33 will be similar but more condensed.
My lighting sucks but this will give you a general idea of what I'm shooting for.


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Thanks BT, it really does pain me to let it go. Before that one fell into my lap (it was a freebie), I thought a 70gal (48x18x24) was my favorite tank. Now that I've decided to go back to Africans, I'm really going to miss it. I'm hoping to get a few hundred for the tank and stand, so that I can stock the FB Hex all at once.
I'd be tempted to move out some furniture and maybe some family members, rather than let that go....
You know what they say about letting go of something you love, right?
The tank that is getting set-up is the same type as my 2nd tank ever, I lost that to a robbery. Long story but let's just say that I was not in a position to pursue the matter and had to let it go with a whole bunch of other stuff. Just before that 120 fell into my lap, I had an opportunity to get the 33 FB with solid wood stand and hood for $20. That was a love that I let go that came back to me.
Okay, back on subject. I'm not very familiar with the peacocks and would like to find a smaller species to go with some little shelly guys.
If you have shellies, larger cichlids are going to be a bad idea, especially if you are using a 33 gallon. That's not enough room and the shellies will be lunch!
Sold the 120 gal w/ stand for $400! I would have taken $300. I did a live transfer of stock and filtration to the 33 gal. it's over stocked with plenty of established filtration. Good experiment before buying new stock.

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