Just purchased a second hand 120 gallon tank which was 18 months old. I cleaned the tank well and purchased 2 small Yellow Labs. For the first 2 days they were very happy swimming and chasing each other around the tank but on the third day they began to just sit on the bottom or hide in the rocks and caves. I have tested water parameters and have 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrite and 0 Nitrate, the pH is 7.5. I am using Seachem Malawi Buffer and Lake Salt, Prime and a bacterial additive, the temperature is 79F (26C). I have performed 2 x 50% water changes and a 25% water change over the past 3 days but they are still not happy and breathing a little fast. They have no signs of disease. I'm wondering if somthing has contaminated the water or are they just not happy? They dont eat a whole lot, just a little Brine Srimp and some sinking pellets but they are hard to get to eat which worrys me. I went back to the LFS and the guy tested my water and could find nothing wrong either.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Any help is much appreciated.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Any help is much appreciated.