New Cichlid Tank, Need Advice


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hello, I am brand new to this forum and am looking for some general advice on my new Cichlid tank. It is a 55 gallon containing an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (2"), a Firemouth (4-5"), and 2 convicts (2"). Unfortunately, I also had a Green Terror who died this morning due to the silly mistake of leaving the tank partially exposed overnight. He/she decided to jump.

The fish have been within the tank now for about 3 days and I have observed some activity. The Firemouth has a tendency to want to hide, which is understandable as I read that they needed a place to roost (nest). However, he/she does not seem to want to eat and it maintains a very docile composure. Is this normal or is this a sign of discomfort?

Also, although I intend to eventually upgrade my tank, what are good tank mates that I could add to this current tank? I am not interested in overly aggressive cichlids such as Oscars as they dispose a lot of waste and may get too big too quickly. I am open not just to cichlids, but any co-existential species. I also am looking for a fish who will aid me with algae control. Perhaps a common pleco?

Any advice is much appreciated!

(I will add pictures soon, if anyone is interested)
Welcome to the Forum :) I'm not really sure about New World Cichlids as I keep Mbuna but I'm sure if you post in that section someone will be along to give you a hand. Good luck.

Hi sounds okay so far my main worry is that you have a male and a female convict if so they will breed which could result in beatings for the other fish...

All I would say as far as upgrading - if your planning on do it, do it now no point waiting because other wise life will happen and your car will break down, or a pipe will burst etc etc something that will sap your money will happen and you will need to put of the tank for longer and longer.

Since you are already down a Central American cichlid tank why not stick with it? The classic choices for tank mates are things like Hoplo Catfish, Blind Cave Tetras, Sword Tails (preferably the natural green strain) and Red Eye Tetras (though the common ones are a little southern for a strict biotope but probably not a problem :) )

You have kind of a middle cross section of the Centrals at the moment so best to stick around them and avoid the more aggressive ones like GTs and Texas, Oscars fit here as well and best to skip the passive ones like Rainbows. Nicaraguans could work but possibly not the best as they can never really stand much abuse, compared to the amount of mouth they have. Their close relative the Neet would be a cool addition IMO - reasonably capable in this kind of tank and quite a busy body fish that stays out of other fishes way and in the same size range as these ones.

How big will the new tank be?

Hey Wills thanks a lot for your reply. I agree that upgrading would be more beneficial to do so now rather than later, but being a fresh college graduate, I will need to secure a job before I can even consider upgrading. Once I do start working (hopefully within the next month or so) I would be greatly interested in a range from 75-125 gallons. Now of course this is a huge difference in size, but realistically it depends on my earnings. I certainly see myself making the purchase within the next year, but again I am unsure of the exact size.

In regards to your other suggestions, the Nicaraguans look quite spectacular. I am thinking the best thing for me to do at this point is to let my fish settle and grow a little and then make the upgrade before purchasing anymore tank mates. The two convicts have nested and are already policing the tank and their nest, which is fine. I don't see them becoming too much of an issue (yet).

So I agree that the best solution is just to upgrade ASAP, as it will provide me a much better idea of what sort of fish I could actually consider.

In the meantime ill be sure to keep a constant eye on my firemouth, try to make sure that he settles in.


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