I assume its something like java fern / moss that you have on the bottom at the front ? i like it alot it looks really good and how did you manage to get it to stay there ? did you weave it in to a grid ?
also i like the layout of your tank you can really capture everything and its not over crowding ! good work
Hey! Do you have any advice for starters like me that want to start breeding shrimp?
I had started out with six of them in my last tank, and they disappeared within 3 weeks. I literally have no idea where they went!
I think your tank is looking great though, very nice!
Cherry shrimp keeping is not always as straight forward as people think. Despite the claims that they do well in a wide range of water parameters they actually have quite specific needs.
Check out the following video by Fancy Shrimp - it give a good idea of what is required.