New Betta With Finrot?


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
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I've kept tropical fish for many years but this is my first Betta (Gizmo).

He looked rather the worse for wear when I bought him a few days ago; sitting at the bottom of the little 'tank' if you can call it that. I bought the little fella as I felt sorry for him.

I'm currently treating him with aquarium salt for finrot in his own tank. He's very happy, swims around a lot and stuffs his face at feeding time.

After looking at photos of some of other Betta's I'm wondering if the finrot is as bad as I fear.

Please see base of his Anal fin which is rather tatty (looks worse in real life), his pelvic fins were very worn but look to be recovering now and also the split on his dorsal fin where I’ve circled.

Looking at other Bettas, over on the Betta subreddit, many also have this split and no one comments on that being abnormal so I’m wondering if this is actually normal?

He definitely does have some finrot but I'm thinking it may not be as bad as I feared.

Any advice would be appreciated.
to me it looks like a fin recovery from a spliced fin regrowing. I don't think you should be worry.
Thanks for the reply.

Is it something that needs treating with anything other than pristine water conditions do you think? I'm tempted to keep up the salt treatment for a while longer but would value input.
I would not continue the salt treatment as it looks like he swam through a sharp object that split his fins. generally those should not require salt or medicine treatment but nice water conditions as it is not a bacteria fin rot.

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