New Betta Acting Strange + Not Eating


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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Okay, so, I got this new betta yesterday and last night I fed him and he ate. He looked like he was having a little trouble eating, but I wasn't worried to much. Now today I ed him this morning and he will put it in his mouth then immediately spit it back out. So, I tried feeding him some flakes, thinking maybe he didn't like the pellets or something. But he didn't even try eating those. So now I'm worried. How come he's just spitting out his food? What's wrong?

He looked healthy in the cup when I picked him. He swam around and looked at me. Even now, he will come at the glass and look at me and he's blown a bubble nest already.

Also, he's acting strange. He will sometimes just lie on the ground or on his plant or behind the ornament. I've never had a betta do this before, so I don't know if it's normal. He's also a bit shy. (Back to the food problem: I went away to see if he would eat when I wasn't there, and when I came back he still hadn't eaten.)

He also will sometimes go up and down beside the filter. My tank is cycled, so I don't know why he is doing that :S
And when I mean he lies on the ground, I mean he like... lies down. Now on his stomach, on his side. And he just lies there. And I am so scared but when I go to prode him he swims around before resting in his plant or something. He hangs out in his plant and his ornament a lot, very shy guy.

Never had a shy guy or a fish that has done this before, so I'm freaking out. I don't know if any of the behavior is normal or not. Pretty sure not eating isn't normal though.

I snapped a picture with my phone. Sorry you can't see his beautiful fins, but you can see his little.. fins that he swims with (?) and that is pretty much the colour of the rest of his fins. :3
Mine eats every 3-4 days! he doesn't do much and also lies down on my substrate. I don't think you have anything to worry about personally just because mine is the same.

BUT i'd wait for a more experienced/professional answer : )

Hi there - it's normal for bettas to not eat for the first week or so that you get them. Just feed him as you normally would but then remove any uneaten food a few minutes later. You don't need to get him any special food or anything, he'll come 'round.

It's also normal for them to lie down like that, they are pretty lazy fish and will spread their fins across different surfaces (substrate, leaves, etc.) and have a little rest so don't worry. If he's shy it's probably because he's in new surroundings, it's the same as the not eating thing, he'll come around eventually.
Thank you very much!
I was so worried, I'm glad I have nothing much to worry about! He's already slowly coming around! :D

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