New Aquarium Owner


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2015
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Hello. My name is Rina :) New aquarium owner here. Got 75G as Xmas gift. Know nothing about fish keeping yet. Hope to learn something :) So far in few weeks I have it my fish already got sick & half of them died :( Not great start ...
nah i had tested water with water kit - water is ok. My 28 shrimps is fine too. but my hemigrammuses is not well at all. I thougt it was fin rot, then i thought my senegalus bit them now i think its fungus. absolutly confused with all fish diseases looking quite the same on 1 inch fish... all i understood that its not an ich :(
What kind of water kit have you been using?

Also, feel free to post any images of sick fish. We may be able to diagnose the problem or, at the very least, help you treat the fish. If they are displaying symptoms of being sick it is best to monitor ammonia and nitrite (as well as nitrate and ph, gh and kh) and perform more frequent water changes. Fin rot is often treated with daily water changes, for instance, without medicine.
API freshwater master test kit drops. I change 20% of water every Sunday. Water is crystal cleal, no algaes yet.
Fish had white spots on top of their eyes like all scales got turn out, now I have only 8 left & they dont eat anymore & having hard time to breath. Males got sick 1st, girls looks less sick.
My plecos & labeo not infected. Just 1 spicies for some reason. I think I bought them sick. They had missing flippers & turn find & guy in Petco said its fine it will grow back
Am afraid more information is needed.
How long has this tank has been running and is it actually cycled?
What temperature is tank water at?
And what stocking, and how many of each species do you currently have?
Do you dechlorinate the water for water changes?
And do the fish show any other symptoms?
And as Attibones has mentioned a picture of your sick fish and perhaps the tank set up may help to provide some clues that may be helpful to diagnose what the problem may be.

Am afraid more information is needed.
How long has this tank has been running and is it actually cycled?
What temperature is tank water at?
And what stocking, and how many of each species do you currently have?
Do you dechlorinate the water for water changes?
And do the fish show any other symptoms?
And as Attibones has mentioned a picture of your sick fish and perhaps the tank set up may help to provide some clues that may be helpful to diagnose what the problem may be.
How long has this tank has been running and is it actually cycled?
before I put fish in it about week & half
What temperature is tank water at?
And what stocking, and how many of each species do you currently have?
1 epalzeorhynchus bicolor (labeo becolor),
1 albino pleco,
1 pleco in normal color,
1 Polypterus senegalus,
was 16 hemigrammus erythrozonus (now 8 & they r seperate in small tank)
Do you dechlorinate the water for water changes?
And do the fish show any other symptoms?
not anymore they just dying
It took about a week & half. Well they didnt look great at the begging but had no white spots on body & heads.  I tried aquarium salt, melafix & now just API fungus cure.
I think I cant help this batch but maybe can prevent it happening again? I really love erythrozonus

And as Attibones has mentioned a picture of your sick fish and perhaps the tank set up may help to provide some clues that may be helpful to diagnose what the problem may be.
can't take any good picture. they come out too blurry thru water+glass+fish movment
On this video you can see that they missing parts of tail & flippers but no way to see white spots on top of the eyes it's just come out too blurry
My tank is 75G, I have heater & Aqueon QuietFlow 55/75 Filter nothing else. I changed carbon filter's catriges  on just plain ones without carbon inside
Latest - can see spots on head turn black & gills is wierd
So, have your learned about cycling a tank and how detrimental it can be to your fish if they are present during the cycling?
You say your water tests okay. Can you post the results?
It is hard to believe that someone would sell that combination of fish to someone new to the hobby. If your glowlights survive they will get eaten for sure by the bichir (if it survives). If possible avoid that shop in future.
Don't let this put you off, I'm sure the guys in here will be able to help you sort this out. To me it looks like fin rot, but I'm no expert
Munroco said:
It is hard to believe that someone would sell that combination of fish to someone new to the hobby. If your glowlights survive they will get eaten for sure by the bichir (if it survives). If possible avoid that shop in future.
Don't let this put you off, I'm sure the guys in here will be able to help you sort this out. To me it looks like fin rot, but I'm no expert
So you think its a senegalus bites on my fish got infected?
Can I have discus fish with senegalus or they too fragile? I cant just get rid of bitchir & she (I called her Nessy) doesnt look like she is gonna drop dead any time soon  :)
RinaLane said:
It is hard to believe that someone would sell that combination of fish to someone new to the hobby. If your glowlights survive they will get eaten for sure by the bichir (if it survives). If possible avoid that shop in future.
Don't let this put you off, I'm sure the guys in here will be able to help you sort this out. To me it looks like fin rot, but I'm no expert
So you think its a senegalus bites on my fish got infected?
Can I have discus fish with senegalus or they too fragile? I cant just get rid of bitchir & she (I called her Nessy) doesnt look like she is gonna drop dead any time soon  :)
Not to say it rudely, but NO

Discus have more delicate demands that needs to be met. The bichir requires something a bit different from what the discus needs as well. Read thru some discus and bichir topics here and you'll understand why :)

Welcome aboard by the way!

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