Hey every one im new to this but jumped in with both feet. Did some research spent some cash lol but I need some advice. I have a 37 gallon planted tank. Just got good lighting a 6 bulb mix blue and white light with a timer. I have some rummy head tetra some rams a small rubber mounted pecostomus and a pearl gaurmais. I planted several plants but don't know when I need to think about CO2. Do I need it or not. How do I check my CO2? Also I use gravel I have about 2-3 inches of it and I haven't been vacuuming it. Just doing water changes with out vacuuming. Is that enough or do I HAVE to switch to sand or soil of some kind? Finally I just bought plants didn't know if there are things I shouldn't plant together. So should I get different plants or am I okay with what I got. I can send pics just need some advice on where to go from here. All my fish seem health and I just got the lights so im hoping my plants will finally start to grow.