My mother recently moved in with us. She loves my tank and wanted to get a betta for her room. She doesn't have a great deal of money but I talked her out of just getting a bowl for it. Unfortunately she saw those tiny tanks with the divider in them so you can have two in the same tank. I talked her into getting the bigger one with the divider that had a filter on it. Its a 2.5 gallon mini bow tank. I feel bad but its the best she could afford and I cycled it with media from my tank. There is no heater but her room stays 75F at all times (she likes it like that) so they should be fine in there. I have been testing the water and the water tests fine. They seem active and not too bothered when they see each other. I put fake plants along the divider so they can't see the other too much.
I feel a little guilty that am allowing this but in my defense, she was just going to get half gallon bowl with nothing in it. This was the best I could talk her into getting.
I feel like I am making a confession lol.
I feel a little guilty that am allowing this but in my defense, she was just going to get half gallon bowl with nothing in it. This was the best I could talk her into getting.
I feel like I am making a confession lol.