New 55 Gallon

Man of fish

I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Nov 18, 2011
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Just got a new 55 gallon to replace my 29! I'm thinking ill keep my current stocking, but I could easily add/subtract elements of it if needed. Here's what I have currently:

~15 espeis rasboras (between 13 and 16)
1 clown plec
4 German blue rams
3 guppies
2 platys
3 cherry barbs
1 bn I hope. Haven't seem him in about a week but he's only about an inch.

I want: definitely some bottom dwellers. Cories and loaches if I can get both? Also just any other suggestions. I want it to be very nice. It'll be planted nicely. Not a full on planted tank but just enough plants so that my T5 lighting will be able to grow them like they have been.
very cool!  well don't get a electric blue cray.  Mine ate two of my fish.  I would set up the 29 gallon and def get one of those tho and throw in some neons so he can't catch them.    My ghost shrimp are pretty cool. they eat all the stuff at the bottom.  they disappear for a while tho but its such a pleasure to find them.  Its like where's waldo
coolie loachs make great additions do well in groups of 6 and are fine with cories
yeah kuhlii loaches should work, just make sure you have tons of hiding spaces for them and a fine gravel with no sharp edges at all.  You can also do ghost shrimp with them.
I am getting sand. Gravel isn't even an option I'm finally sick of it in my other tanks. I already have 2 kuhli loaches and definitely want more and then will add them to this tank. An eventual stocking could look something like this?

~15 espeis rasboras
10-12 cardinals Tetras
6 cherry barbs
6 kuhli loaches
10 corydoras (not sure what species I'd get.)
1 clown plec
1 bn
4 German blue rams
3 guppies
2 platys

How does that look? Change what?
platies need 2 to 1 ratio, maybe a little over stocked but maybe im wrong
My platies are a breeding pair. Never had a problem with them. If I do I can easily add another female but for right now they're fine.

My canister filter will be rated for up to 100 gallons so a little overstocking isn't toooo bad.
yeah if they're a breeding pair they will good, and you setup looks good to me, nice diverse and colorful.
Not really sure if I could do this, but potentially angel fish?
they might eat the guppies and any fish smaller than them also beware fin nipers
yeah sadly angel fish will eat everything that fits in their mouths, angel is the exact opposite of what they are. Your rasboras and tetras would be gone in no time
Ok lol I guess I won't get them.

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