Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Just got a new 55 gallon to replace my 29! I'm thinking ill keep my current stocking, but I could easily add/subtract elements of it if needed. Here's what I have currently:
~15 espeis rasboras (between 13 and 16)
1 clown plec
4 German blue rams
3 guppies
2 platys
3 cherry barbs
1 bn I hope. Haven't seem him in about a week but he's only about an inch.
I want: definitely some bottom dwellers. Cories and loaches if I can get both? Also just any other suggestions. I want it to be very nice. It'll be planted nicely. Not a full on planted tank but just enough plants so that my T5 lighting will be able to grow them like they have been.
~15 espeis rasboras (between 13 and 16)
1 clown plec
4 German blue rams
3 guppies
2 platys
3 cherry barbs
1 bn I hope. Haven't seem him in about a week but he's only about an inch.
I want: definitely some bottom dwellers. Cories and loaches if I can get both? Also just any other suggestions. I want it to be very nice. It'll be planted nicely. Not a full on planted tank but just enough plants so that my T5 lighting will be able to grow them like they have been.