New 450L And Killer Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2014
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My 450L is finally filled and ready, with the secondary filter of my vision 450 running as a tertiary filter on a vision 180 to help seed it. I think it may have actually done the opposite, as I noticed my pleco with half a molly in his mouth earlier, freaked out...did tests and have terrible ammonia (can adding an extra filter actually be bad for a tank??). Now its almost midnight and I don't want to switch of the lights as the pleco is chasing everything in sight, I was wandering if I could plop him in the new 450L and let him be the ammonia machine. Tip to tail, he's about 28cm.....will he survive cycling a 450L tank? He's got to go somewhere....into a bucket or he'll have killed/injured more of my fish by morning.....
Do you know anyone else that can hold him for you? Some LFS's will hold a fish for you as well.
I would think seeding your 450 liter and putting him in there would be best, i would definitely make sure the ammonia doesnt spike in the tank though.
sawickib said:
I would think seeding your 450 liter and putting him in there would be best, i would definitely make sure the ammonia doesnt spike in the tank though.
i second this!
Do you guys mean seed it and then put him in, or seed it BY putting him in.....he's not meant for the 450, thats for my Balas as its going to be planted and I don't want a pleco digging everything up, is it unfair to have him in  180 by himself?
Will how big is he? And do you want him chasing everyone?

And by seeding I mean move some of the cycled filter media over to the new tank.

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