New 300L Tank, Ideas, Help, Tips Etc.


Mostly New Member
Aug 13, 2014
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Hi Everyone,
I am just about to start a new tank build and decided that in order to save some money I am going to build my own aquarium. Ordered some acrylic cut to size and a suitable sealant last night. The tank should be 150cm x 50cm x 50cm (300L or 72gal for our US friends!)
I was wondering if anyone has any helpful advice on any of the process such as assembly, then equipment sourcing (filters & lights) before I start?
Secondly what would you suggest I stock the tank with? I'm undecided as of yet...
Will add some pictures when I start!
If you're using acrylics to form a 300 litre tank, make sure it can hold the weight! Thin sheets may not do the job, acrylic can bend, glass cannot.
Filtration for a 300L depends on stocking but in general, something along the lines of a TT-EX1200 or two EX-700's wouldn't hurt.
Planning to brace it just to be safe! Have ordered an external filter rated to 400L which should do the job for now but maybe will have to add to that if I stock the tank with something messy!

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