New 125 Gallon Saltwater Tank Setup

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New Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern California
I have recently purchased a Clear For Life 125 gallon Aquarium. I am looking for suggestions as to what filter would best fit my needs. Heres what I intended on doing:

Clear For Life 125 gallon with light hood and light fixture [474.95]
Aqua Clear Pro Wet/Dry 150 gallon (bio-bal media, overflow box, pre-filter,drip tray, sponge filter, u-tubes, drain hose, skimmer, and skimmer pump, all for [289.95])
Vecton marin uv Sterlizer 25 watt 150 gallons [133.95]
Pro heat titanium IC Heater 300 watt [25.95]

This tank will have, to start out with 2 California Singrays, 1 Lion fish, and a chain moray Eel. Is all i want in the aquarium is non-living sand. What are your suggestions as to what i plan on getting for my set up? do you think it is a good setup or do you think it has room for improvment. Please make suggestions

(all of this can be found at )
I am looking for suggestions as to what filter would best fit my needs.
Live rock and lots of it. You will need rockwork for the moray to live in and you will need a sump/refugium rather than an external filter. Fill the sump with macro algaes, mangroves and more live rock to eliminate Nitrates and Phosphates. The external will only produce Nitrates and mean frequent water changes, on a tank that size that will be hassle not to mention costly in salt and time.

all i want in the aquarium is non-living sand.
Impossible, all substrate will house life given time (quicker if there's live rock in the tank) and you will need this to keep your stingrays healthy as it will provide a constant source of food to scavenge for.
I'm just going to concentrate on your rays. The california round stingray is a cold water species, not a tropical. Throw away the heater and get a chiller. Also the tank is too small for one let alone two. As it isn't a tropical species you will not be able to keep tropical tankmates with it. Concider this as similar to keeping goldfish with tropical fish like discus, it just won't work.

I am afraid that with the lack of research done you are in for a world of disapointment with this hobby unless you start to understand there is no better tool than research.

And if you want a tank full of sand you need your filter to be basically the same size or bigger tank as your display and fill it with nothing but live rock.

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