Neons vs Cardinal

Most day active fish enter a lethargic state at night, whether it can be genuinely called sleep or not is a subject of scientific debate. As long as they're raring to go in the mornngs, I wouldn't worry about it.
yeah, i can confirm that... my white clouds all cluster together at the top of the tank and look like they just kinda float there at night... very little motion unless i scare them accidentally ;)

My Neons do it every night now.

It's kind of funny actually. They go into the plants as a group and within the hour they are drifting around scattered by the currents in the tank looking like a bunch of drunks with hangovers.

These guys are wild eaters though and very energetic all day long.
My neons, my rummy nose and green barbs are doing great in my very low ph tank that is only 6.00 and the water is hard too which surprises me since I read they like soft water..but they are all very tank is heavily planted too
What is more unusual is you have a low pH and high hardness, one would normally expect the dissolved minerals which constitute the hardness to pull the pH up. Is you tapwater acid and hard? Intruiging.

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