Neon Tetras With White Fungi Or Parasite On Lips


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
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3 out of my five neon tetras have some sort of small white parasite on their bottom lips
They are acting normal and not showing any signs of stress
I've had them for about 2 months
The temp: 80
Ph/ nitrates/amoinia: I don't know what they are but I'm pretty sure they are good
They are in a 20 high
And their tank mates are a bristlenose pleco, two blue rams, a cherry barb, and two kuhli loaches and three assasian snails
I do a 25% water change every week or every second week
Does it look like cotton wool on the lips of the neons, or strands of cotton?
I fed them garlic to make their immune systems stronger
It sound like columnaris (Mouth Fungus)

You will need to treat with a bacterial medication. If in the UK Myxazin by waterlife.
Should i separate them from other fish?

I have aquarium salt how much should I put in?
If you have an isolation tank it would be best to isolate them.
Also preform water changes on main tank..

Good Luck.
Ok thank you

If I did put them in another tank would they need heat?
You will need a heater, filter. If no filter just add an airstone & pump, Keep an eye on your water stats. If you do have
to preform a water change just add the correct amount of medication back to water removed.
I don't have a second heater

I do have an extra filter

The info did say too colder temps would slow the infection down

The hospital tank should be heated to approx. 74 degrees. 76 and above is the ideal breeding temperature for columnaris. Though there is some dispute over lowering the temperature, my experience has been that 72 is too low for the medication to work rapidly, 76+ causes the disease to breed more rapidly than the anti-biotic can kill, and 74 is "just right." Remember to keep this temperature stable!

Text © Lauren Weeks

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