Fish Addict
i just looked into my tank and was having a good look at my new neon tetra's (added them 3 days a go) and noticed 4 out of 5 of them had a few white spots on them i did have 10, within the first 24 hours after first lights out and lights on in the morning half the population was missing searched the whole tank and to my surprise none were found anywhere, everything was going so well with my tank this month as well, just such a let down
i dont even know how to go about treating whitespot, can anybody help, can anybody answer this question too. i was thinking of adding some silver tip tetra to my tank (obviously not now i discovered the dreaded whitespot!) if i moved the neons to a quarantine tank, would the whitespot parasites still be in my main tank ? if so how do i go about getting rid of this ?
any help very much appreciated!
any help very much appreciated!