Neon Tetras: Can't Figure Out What They Have


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
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I haven't had much luck at other forums so I'm hoping you guys can help me out.  
First off, the remaining 15 neons are kept in an established 20 high.  I perform a weekly water change of 50%.  The current paramaters are 0,0,20.  
It starts off with a slight white discoloration near their tail fin, but still on their bodies.  It gradually grows larger over the course of about 2 weeks.  They eat and shoal normally until finally they become deformed and die.  I have a video I have taken since I can't get any good pictures.  I've full rounds of treatments with Maracyn 1 and 2 as well as kanamycin to no avail.  I'm thinking about trying Furan 2.  It does not look the many pictures I've seen of NTD, but I'm not 100 percent sure of course.  
It may be hard to see the white spaces near their tail or cuadal fin, but this was the best I could get.
I've had several neons with NTD, they'd each catch it 3-4 weeks after the last. It always began with a white patch (not like fungus, like discoloration) in the middle of the red stripe. Left unchecked my neons developed more troubles and I believe this is when it would spread to another. The only way I managed to rid my tank of the problem was to remove and euthanize a neon the moment I saw a faded patch on the stripe... then I stopped having more cases.

Sorry, I couldn't tell anything from your video. I shall check if I took a picture of any of mine with NTD, but I'm not sure that I did. If I do I will post a picture later.
As much as I love having a shoal of Neons in my tank, I've all but given up on them these days as they're not very hardy any more. They used to be 20 years ago but now they no longer seem to last.

I'm sure I read something about too much inbreeding.
PrairieSunflower said:
I've had several neons with NTD, they'd each catch it 3-4 weeks after the last. It always began with a white patch (not like fungus, like discoloration) in the middle of the red stripe. Left unchecked my neons developed more troubles and I believe this is when it would spread to another. The only way I managed to rid my tank of the problem was to remove and euthanize a neon the moment I saw a faded patch on the stripe... then I stopped having more cases.

Sorry, I couldn't tell anything from your video. I shall check if I took a picture of any of mine with NTD, but I'm not sure that I did. If I do I will post a picture later.
I agree this sounds like Neon Tetra Disease, a buddy of mine got it and all of his neons died within a two week period. As far as I know there isn't a cure for it besides euthanization. 

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