Neon Tetra Dramas


New Member
Jan 14, 2012
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Sydney, Australia
Hi guys,

Another one of my neon tetras is showing symptoms of diseases and before jumping to any conclusions, I thought I'd ask here.

This neon is one of a school of four remaining tetras -- I lost two to a mysterious bacterial infection some of you may have read here:

This time he is exhibiting the same behaviour as the previous two, however instead of the patch of white on one side, he's faded all over, and becoming partially translucent -- there's a lot of 'gasping' and under the gills seems very red. There's a photo here

I don't know what to do. I suppose if there's no cure he will either not make it through the night or I may have to resort to clove oil and vodka again...

If I can't save him (and I'm not holding my breath, just hoping for a diagnosis), what will I do with the three remaining neons? I understand three (or even four) is not enough to have a proper school, but if there's a virus or something in the tank, I can't introduce more neons. I also can't pass them on to another aquarist in case they are sick in some way too...

Their tank mates are two siamese algae eaters, and a population of red cherry shrimp (started as 13, now too many to count)
Water parameters are
Temp 26
pH 7.1
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, 0
Hi Andy,

I'm no expert by any means however i looked at your original fish and i'm pretty sure it's neon tetra disease. That's what it looked like when it started with my neons, they will slowly go white round the tail then the tail becomes deformed and they can't swim properly.

Keep your eye on them, the disease is spread when a neon eats a bit of a dead fish with the disease.


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