Neon Tank Mates

my list of plants is
red rubin sword
dwarf baby tears
ludwigia repens
dwarf sagitteria
tiger lotus
didiplis diandra
anubias coffelia
i am alredy running that air hose from the power head, that sticks out of the tank, just as you described :)
How much lighting (WPG) and what kind of lighting do you have. This is a huge factor in whether or not you need co2. You have some interesting plants! To keep them all alive I would add some Flourish Root Tabs because Didiplis Diandra and others are root feeders that like fertile substrate. Your plants would benefit from the diy co2 but I don't think its necessary. Try replacing the co2 with liquid fertilizers. I find the liquid fertilizers to be very good at keeping my plants looking top notch. You know I am a fanatic for the Flourish products so give them a try. I have never had a co2 setup on my planted tank.

Oh Yeah I don't have pictures but I bought 3 Pineapple Swordtails yesterday.

(I decided to not get Neon Tetras)
i like the sound of swordtails. i never got them because i heard they were more susceptible to ich than other fish, but i do like them! are you still getting angels? about the plants though, i am alredy dosing seachem flourish. i also got my c02 running again today. my lighting is 3.4 wpg. i would like to see some pics of your swordtails!
i like the sound of swordtails. i never got them because i heard they were more susceptible to ich than other fish, but i do like them! are you still getting angels? about the plants though, i am alredy dosing seachem flourish. i also got my c02 running again today. i put some type of root tab under my bigger plants already, and they do pretty good! my lighting is 3.4 wpg. i would like to see some pics of your swordtails!

Great! I'll get my digital camera and snap a few pictures.

My "current plan is (7 Zebra Danio's 8 Albino Cory's 3 Swordtails 1 Angelfish 2 Ram Cichlids)

If I get any Tetra's I think they will be Bleeding Hearts or Red Phantoms.
this is just my humble opinion, but if you have a big enough tank, maybe get 3 angels, because they can be less stressed in groups.

I've taken some pics while I was feeding my Cory's. I have to load them to my PC and then I'll post them. Meanwhile I'd like to see your tank.
arghh, i hoped you wouldnt ask that because, when i am ready to but my pics in their way to big, and i dont know how to shrink them, with out totally messing them up! :unsure: im still excited to see your fish, though!!!!!!
Hi flyhawk,

I've been out of town again. I can't figure how to upload photos either. The easiest way to see my fish is to google DNicolasL flickr. Then click on my photostrem. You can see pictures of my Cories and Swordtails.
it really sucks doesnt it? well ill see if i can find your sight. my tank is really starting to fill in. i started putting in seachem again and my tank clouded, so i wont do that anymore!!!! all the neons do great and im only a couple months away from getting angels!!!!!!!

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