Neon Dwarf Gourami Died


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
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Hi Have a TF tank with the following details. Fully cycled, 4 months.

Size : 29G
Fishes : 2 Angels, 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 3 Neon Dwarf Gouramis and a Rubber-mouth Algae Eater.
Nitrates : Ammonia, Nitrite - 0, PH - 7, Nitrate : 5
Temp : 78-80

All Fishes doing well eating well, i feed them wafers and bloodworms. One of my DG's died today, Started bloating yesterday. I put in a QT and treated with Salt. But it died. It had bloated pretty bad, i even saw traces of blood.

my concern is that if this could be a disease/infection which may affect others and anything i can do as a precaution.

thanks in Advance.
I'm not an expect but I found a couple of my fish: Blue Fighter & Angles bloated when I fed them live food, I think this was caused by giving them a bit to much so they were over eating and therefore stomachs expanding. They went back down after a day or two. Best thing to do may be to cut down what your feeding them?

You can do epson salt baths to help as well, which does a laxative affect i.e. helps them poo.

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