Need To Make My Signature Pic Smaller!


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Pls can someone tell me how to resize my signature pic, have tried using editor and it's still not small enough??

Pls can someone tell me how to resize my signature pic, have tried using editor and it's still not small enough??

Hey mate, Try Click on resize websites and emails clikc the tick and take off thumbnails bar.
Betta - actually, acording to the size limitis, your pix is fine (max is 300x400 pix) and yours is 163x320.

Just remove a few lines, maybe say your fish are listed in your profile

EDIT: I think i checked the size after you fixed it, though it is supposed to be 2 lines of text with a pix, but its still reasonable small
Mine is perfect size ty vry mcuh :D

Actually, it isn't:

Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k or 400px wide x 300px tall) and 2 lines of text, large text should be treated as a picture and limited to 2 lines. If your signature exceeds this please alter it to within the new guidelines ASAP. Failure to amend signatures will result in moderator edits.
Information regarding fish stocks and tank specs can be placed in the section provided for this in your personal profiles.

Points in which your signature isn't perfect in what's accepted:

- It's more than 5 lines of text
- It has a picture in it, which only allowed 2 lines of text
- Fish stocks should be in your profile, not signature

Ps. This isn't meant to offend, I just figured I'd point out that your signature isn't as perfect as you seem to think it is.

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