Need Help With My Female Platys


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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Hey guys, I just got some female platys not so long ago and I think one or both of them might be pregnant. I think the tiger platy (i think thats the right name im not sure haha) might be pregnant but i need help knowing when she might give birth and what signs to look out for. The mickey platy has been acting weird, i noticed that she has been on the bottom of the tank hiding all the time, and the other platy well shes out and about. Very energetic. Also, i wanted to get some plants for my tank, but im not sure which plant to get. Hopefully something easy, after all i am a beginner :] Any tips and advice would be helpful. Thanks :]

Tiger platy


This is the mickey platy that has been acting diffrent she just stays there for a long time or just goes somewhere else, but always on the bottom of the tank.

This a my video that i added yesterday that might help better than the pictures that i took :)
They look pregnant. The one hiding seemed like she had a round tummy. First pic bottom platy has a kind of squared look to her stomach.
They look pregnant. The one hiding seemed like she had a round tummy. First pic bottom platy has a kind of squared look to her stomach.

Okay thanks :]
so one of my platys did actually give birth today but i was only able to find 2 in my tank :[. I think it was the one that was hiding(3rd picture) but any ideas when the tiger platy (first platy in the picture) might give birth? I want to actually put her in the breeder this time :]

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