New Member
Hi! This is my first post here and am needing some help with fish decisions. I have recently set up my first tank and am almost finished stocking it. It is a 20 gallon high tank that is moderately planted onthe sides and back with both artificial and living plants. I have 4 longfin zebra danios, 2 sunset platys, and 2 guppies that all seem to be getting along fine. I'm wanting to get some scavengers/algae eaters next to complete my little community. However, I don't know how many to get because of the one inch per gallon rule I've heard about. I'm interested in either some leopard corys, angelicus loaches or dwarf loaches and possibly an albino bristlenose later on down the road (I don't really have any algae built up yet). Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!