Need Help About Spot On Platy


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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hi, i am relatively new to fish keeping and just thought someone here might b able to help me

i have a red platy and have had her for about 4 weeks now and she seems to have developed a white/ light coloured spot on the top of her head which i only discovered after a water change today, there's only one spot on the fish and it appears to be raised too. the fish is behaving fine and eating fine as are the other fish in the tank (which btw is 20 gallon and coming towards the end of cycling), cant think what the problem might be, the tank isn't overstocked however nitrite has been a problem but this is being tackled, mayb its something to do with that? or an injury? possibly ICH but from what i've researched it certainly doesn't look like it.

was just wondering if anybody could help me identify the problem? or tell me how to deal wiv it?

any help would be great, thanks

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