What type of lighting do you have and how long is your photo period?
What is your tank flow like?
most plant issues are caused by excessive light and poor flow.
Correct lighting and photo period are the key to successful plant growth.
Adding co2 with massively improve plant health but it come at a cost.
Its quite expensive to set up, its an added risk to the fish health in the fact you can kill them if you inject to much co2 and you also need to improve water flow in the tank normally by adding a spray bar or power head.
the cheapest co2 set up is a co2 fire extinguisher and a regulator. do a search there's plenty of info on how to do it. Dont waste your money on aquarium set ups they are a massive rip off.
You can also use a yeast reactor to inject co2 but its a massive amount of work and you need to be 100% committed to make it reliable.
If you only have a small amount of plants you could probably get away with using liquid carbon, correcting your photo period and improving water flow.
I would also recommend you stop using nutrafin plant grow and consider using EI salts in stead. They are far better at ensuring your plants have the correct amount of nutrients and are far far cheaper.
look here for info on EI dosing
If you want to go down the liquid carbon route then look into a chemical called glutaraldehyde.
Its the main chemical used in liquid carbons and can be bought in a 50% solution for a fraction of the price of commercial liquid carbons.
You have to dilute it your self with water and there are risks involved. Its a highly toxic chemical and great care has to be taken when mixing it so not recommended for all. You also have to be extreamly careful not to over dose as you can kill your fish.
I think if you start EI dosing, improve water flow and correct your photo period for the tank you will see improvments.
You also need to be doing 50% water changes every week.