We have a winner in Fishforums.net
May 2020 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 9 nice tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 30 US gallons or bigger. But only one could win...
And the winner is.......................
Let's all congratulate her
Here NC aquatics' tank and its description
*new scape updated, one filter broke down thanks to salvinia getting into the motor. Changed up some plants.
Phew, day and night make totally different looks for photos. Second photo validating my entry, terrible glare thanks to bright livingroom.
Okay, so my tank is a 46 gallon bowfront, planted community.
Parameters are 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, 20 ppm nitrate, pH 7.5.
Fish: Neon tetras, black neon tetras, platies, dwarf gourami, farlowella twig cats, corydoras aeneus, corydoras weitzmani, corydoras ambiacus, pangio loaches (seminica, oblonga, superba, and doriae).
Inverts: Bamboo shrimp, nerite snail, ramshorn snails, bladder snails.
Plants: Amazon swords, crypts, java fern, salvinia, anacharis
Filtration: Aquaclear 70, Aquaclear 50.
Heater: Eheim Jager 150w set to 76F
Water changes 25% weekly, 50% monthly.
Feeding: Omega One flakes, algae wafers, Wardley Shrimp Pellets, Bug Bites, frozen mysis/brine shrimp, steamed veggies.
Fertilizer: Seachem Flourish 1x week day after water change, API Root Tabs for the swords and crypts as needed.
Dechlorinator: Seachem Prime.
Lighting: Aqueon Full Spectrum T8 Bulb, AquaGlo T8 Bulb.