Hey all!
Finally gotten around to sorting out the mess of a tank I have watched with dismay for too long now.
As of Monday morning, it is a changed tank! New lights, plants, hardscape...
Pics to follow later today
EDIT: from other post
Finally, the stats: (will edit this into my first post me thinks)
Tank: 20g, 2'x1'x1' (ish)
Filter: Currently a APS 2000EF+ - being downgraded asap to the e700 CristalProfi that was delivered to my mums house (grrrrrr)
Lighting: 2 x 24W T5HO
CO2: none currently, may re-consider in time
Ferts: Low-tech 'EI' dosing style (dosing 1x week instead of every day with a large change every week) - New to me, so this will be interesting!
Stocking: (Needs Serious work, I am aware! 250L is sat downstairs waiting for some of these fish)
- 4 x Rummynose Tetra (was 5 but 1 died)
- 5 x Harlequinn Rasboras
- 4 x Otos
- 4 x Peppered Cories (again, was 5 but 1 died)
- 1 x African Glass Catfish (was 6, but I returned them, he refused to go and has stayed, now can't part with him! )
- Endlers! - Currently easily over 20 fish. Will be removing on an almost daily basis until the numbers drop!
- Some Red Cherry shrimp
Finally gotten around to sorting out the mess of a tank I have watched with dismay for too long now.
As of Monday morning, it is a changed tank! New lights, plants, hardscape...
Pics to follow later today
EDIT: from other post
Finally, the stats: (will edit this into my first post me thinks)
Tank: 20g, 2'x1'x1' (ish)
Filter: Currently a APS 2000EF+ - being downgraded asap to the e700 CristalProfi that was delivered to my mums house (grrrrrr)
Lighting: 2 x 24W T5HO
CO2: none currently, may re-consider in time
Ferts: Low-tech 'EI' dosing style (dosing 1x week instead of every day with a large change every week) - New to me, so this will be interesting!
Stocking: (Needs Serious work, I am aware! 250L is sat downstairs waiting for some of these fish)
- 4 x Rummynose Tetra (was 5 but 1 died)
- 5 x Harlequinn Rasboras
- 4 x Otos
- 4 x Peppered Cories (again, was 5 but 1 died)
- 1 x African Glass Catfish (was 6, but I returned them, he refused to go and has stayed, now can't part with him! )
- Endlers! - Currently easily over 20 fish. Will be removing on an almost daily basis until the numbers drop!
- Some Red Cherry shrimp