Nano Shrimp Tank

What kind of shrimp do you like?

  • Malaysian Rainbow Shrimp

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Bumble Bee Ninja Shrimp

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Orange Halo/ Orange Sunkist Shrimp

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Rilli Shrimp

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters


Fish Addict
Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
So hopefully in the near future I will be getting a 5.5 gallon tank, (20.8L) shrimp tank. I want to have a shoaling fish of some kind as well, but probably not. It will most likely be just some cool shrimp.
Here are the pictures of the shrimp-
Bumble Bee Ninja Shrimp
Orange Sunkist/Orange Halo Shrimp
Malaysian Rainbow Shrimp (Multiple Varieties)
Rili Shrimp
Before I start this tank my plants in my 15g have to grow a bit as I am using those plants, and I also have to buy sinking pellets (I will be getting cories), I have algae wafers, and I also need a heater. Im getting a 50w as I want it to be backup for my 15g, if I ever need it. If you can recommend a cheap, but nice, brand that would be good,
Tell me what you think! 
Also, if anyone has any of these shrimp, how easy are they to care for? I have been reading up a bit, and they all seem fairly easy. My pH in my tank after 24 hours is 7.2, and my pH from tap is around 7.8-8.2
I've got some blue carbon rili shrimp coming tomorrow for my 20l nano tank. Nano tanks look great with shrimp in IMO, I can't wait for my plants to flourish and the shrimps to settle in. I think you should definatly go for a nice little planted shrimp tank, and I would say go for the rilis :) you could even go for two different types that won't interbreed
Well, I strayed far away from this list and will be getting Brazzilian Yellow Bellied Shrimp from

This way I.dont need a heater, and they will actual be perfectly fine with my pH
I wish my Cardinal shrimp would be a bit more friendly.....
I was intrigued as I hadn't heard of those shrimp & did some googling.
If I were you I'd do the same as what you're ordering might not be what you receive ;)
Haha, the bummble bee shrimp is also another shrimp, so Icouldnt order blindly. But I found a site with the more shrimp like variations

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