Nano Planted Tank


Jul 21, 2011
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I have a 1.5 gallon planted tank. It has 1 amazon sword, 1 moss all, 1 anubis, 1 java fern, and 1 that I don't remember the name of. There are no fish or anything in the tank. Just plants. I know plants need CO2, but I don't have the $$$ to invest in a CO2 setup for a tiny tank. Will they be fine with liquid fertilizer? Also, how often should I do water changes if there are no fish? I have a small homemade filter from an empty fish food ontainer filled with gravel, carbon, and a sponge. It is run by an air pump.
Wow no posts yet? o. o
Planted tanks don't need a Co2 set up, it just depends on the type of plant you get :) For example, if you'd like high light plants, then you'd probably want a Co2 system.
All the plants that you have can live on low light and liquid fertilizer just fine ^_^
I personally have never had a planted tank before :p *just knows about them...* so I'm not sure on the water changes... but I'd probably suggest a regular weekly water change of like... 10% or so :)
With adding ferts still do 20% weekly and providing you have enough flow in the tank those plants will be fine as above but be warned the sword will outgrow your tank. :)
I shuffled a lot I plants around yesterday. I also added some ghost shrimp to the 1.5 gallon tank. I'll check to see what plants I put,where when I get home from school.

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