Mystery Of Dissapearing Shrimp


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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i always have loads and loads of baby cherry shrimp, they grow and as soon as they reach adult they dissapear, yet more babies arrive, technically i should have a tank of adults by now, i removed my betta into another tank so not sure who could be picking them off and why only the adults? in my tank i have corys, khulis, harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs a male swordtail and a flying fox i have seen these ignoring the babies, so not sure whats happening, there is no evidence of anything dead or half eaten so does anyone have any clue
Sounds like you have a case of fish eating them! You may not see it ever but I'd put a lot of money on half them fish eating them.
so why not the babies, i would have thought they would be easy pickings? who do you think the culprit could be?
Babies can slip away into smaller hiding places and are less easy to spot for the fish on the move.

I have all of the above fish too and seen them doing what i assumed was paying no attention and ignoring the shrimp completely! But the longer I watched.... i could see that if the shrimp happened to move and the fish saw the movement... they all went straight for it! I think they just dont see the shrimps if they arent moving most of the time and its pot luck if they see it or not...

Never thought i would see my harlequins be quite so savage! Ripping all its legs off and eating it like a load of piranhas!
Sounds like the title of an Enid Blyton book, dunnit? :)

Clearly, you can';t have lost all your adults, otherwise you wouldn't have any babies. I reckon you probably are losing babies as well, it's jsut you don't realise how many babies you are getting.
Lol Lock!! I am a massive fan of Enid Blyton books :p I can still happily sit and read them now! Even if it does only take 5 minutes. Loved a book I think it was called "Secrets of Killimuin" or something random like that. Or "Mystery of the dissapearing cat" :p
Never thought i would see my harlequins be quite so savage! Ripping all its legs off and eating it like a load of piranhas!

not my sweet adorable trying to tell me they are actually savages, and to think i was going to up the numbers

you may be right lock man, i might have to provide a few more hidy holes for them
i grew up on enid blyton too, the famous five was my favorite
And Secret Seven lol!

I lied, Harlequins arent the worst, Cardinals are way worse!!

But its only normal... we feed them bloodworms and brineshrimp etc and then are surprised when they eat little shrimps ;)
"Mystery of the dissapearing cat"

That was the second in the series of the Five Find-Outers Mysteries, my personal favourites. Enid Blyton set this series in Bourne End, which if memory serves correctly, you used to work there, hence the BOU in your moniker? Small world, innit.

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