Mystery Fish?


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Hi I'm new here and I recently bought these fish as food
But my puffers never bothered to eat them
They grew and I have 7 of these
Two spotted green puffers and a fiddler crab and a tiger barb
Can anyone let me know what these fish are?
They're like guppies but no fancy tail
They're grey almost see through with black horizontal stripes and a silver belly
They swim fast
Sounds like Zebra Danio, AKA -
Also, I'd advise against buying feeder fish as they hold no nutritional value and can carry diseases no matter how good the LFS is. If you want to feed live(which I suggest you don't) get yourself a small 10 gallon and breed guppies. Simple and easy fish that are homebred so you know they don't carry any diseases.
Another thing. Are the Puffers in with the Crab and Tiger Barbs? If so, you need to separate them. Puffers in one tank(a big one!), Tiger barbs in another and Fiddler Crab on his own.
Feeder guppies might not have a big tail, since this was a trait which is breed for. Look at pictures of feeder guppies and compare. By the description and hearing other people say zebra danios I will have to agree. That's crazy if they sell zebra danios as feeders. By me they are not expensive but no cheap enough to be considered feeders.

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