Mystery Eggs

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They look like snail eggs to me.
So the mystery eggs are actually from a mystery snail? I'm not sure where they could have come from. I did notice about a week ago that I had 2 little tiny itty-bitty baby snails in their, but other than that I just have one big gold mystery snail...
Should I get rid of them? Or do you think all of my fish will most likely eat them??
I don't think they are mystery snail eggs. Mystery snails generally (perhaps always) come out of the water to lay and their eggs are a sort of pink. Is it possible they were on the plant already?
I believe mystery snails lay their eggs above the water line. Moreover, they reproduce needing a male and a female.
Corys tend to place their eggs in bunches.
Barbs are egg scatterers- so its not likely they would be in the layout your picture shows.
My vote is cory eggs. You can see pics of cory eggs galore by doing a Google Image search for cory eggs to compare to what you have. Your vid is not clear enough for me to say for sure.
I suspect that we're getting confused with the actual mystery snail and the eggs of an unknown mysterious snail.
They look like pond snail eggs to me.
Yes Rob, that's exactly what is happening. I was thinking mystery snail not a snail that is a mystery.
As my first post indicated I also think they are snail eggs, pond snail is the most likely suspect. Which is why I wonder if they were on the plant when it was purchased as this is quite a common thing.
Pond snail eggs are laid in a gelatinous mass (at least mine are), those are distinct round white eggs in the pic.
Plus the OP does state he has a gold mystery snail, just not in the first post.
But the better clue was to have noticed that the corys were suddenly active in a manner that I describe as rolling and tumbling all over the tank in groupings. I usually know my corys are in spawning mode from this sort of behavior. it is nothing like the typical racing up and down the glass.
I'm used to cory eggs on the glass. I've not had them lay on my plants before but of course I know it's possible, I've just not seen what that would look like. This his video perhaps. ;)
Those are NOT mystery snail eggs. Even when they have a case of the stupids and lay them in the water (happened to me yesterday) they don't look like that. My vote is for pond snails because cory eggs, though small and white, don't cling to each other like they do a surface. 

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