Well, I have gotten my 210 gal set up in the garage and has water in it to test for leaks. I went in to look at the area where it is going to be which is where my 125 gal is right now. The 125 was going to be moved to another part of the house. I looked at the wall and started to cry. The concrete slab where the 125 has been sitting for two years has started to sink and it's down about an inch. I think this has happened in a short amount of time because now I notice that the water in the 125 is slanting one way. Well, now I have started to empty the 125 and put all the fish in the same tank as the firemouth fry, because I have nowhere to put them. The 125 is being emptied so I can move it to a different room, so I can have someone come tell me what I am going to do with this concrete slab. I REALLY hope when I get this fixed that the 210 can go there, but if it can't, there goes my dream.