Mostly New Member
Just got a few new fish to fill out my 50 gal. thought share, so here's what I have
2 Cory catfish ( nacho and libre)
2 neon tetras (the Fab Four)
1 black skirt tetra (Bartok)
2 blood fin tetras
1 loach ( nowhere man)
1 golden loach (Goldie)
1 black oranda (coppertone)
1 pineapple swordtails (M, Luke.)
2 high fin Dalmatian mollies (M, Langton. F, Gwen)
1 high fin golden molly (F, Sarah)
1 sunburst tux platy (F, Cas)
2 red wag platies (M, Smith. M, Wesson)
1 Sunburst Mickey Mouse platy (F, unnamed)
1 pineapple swordtail (M, Timmy)
4 baby pineapple swordtails ( all F, unnamed)
2 pineapple swordtails (M, Jake. F, Ruby)
I also took home an African Chiclid from my Dad's office. He's in a hospital tank and has something wrong with his swim bladder so he'll probably be staying with us until the end.
2 Cory catfish ( nacho and libre)
2 neon tetras (the Fab Four)
1 black skirt tetra (Bartok)
2 blood fin tetras
1 loach ( nowhere man)
1 golden loach (Goldie)
1 black oranda (coppertone)
1 pineapple swordtails (M, Luke.)
2 high fin Dalmatian mollies (M, Langton. F, Gwen)
1 high fin golden molly (F, Sarah)
1 sunburst tux platy (F, Cas)
2 red wag platies (M, Smith. M, Wesson)
1 Sunburst Mickey Mouse platy (F, unnamed)
1 pineapple swordtail (M, Timmy)
4 baby pineapple swordtails ( all F, unnamed)
2 pineapple swordtails (M, Jake. F, Ruby)
I also took home an African Chiclid from my Dad's office. He's in a hospital tank and has something wrong with his swim bladder so he'll probably be staying with us until the end.