My Tank


Mostly New Member
Jan 3, 2014
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Just got a few new fish to fill out my 50 gal. thought share, so here's what I have :)

2 Cory catfish ( nacho and libre)
2 neon tetras (the Fab Four)
1 black skirt tetra (Bartok)
2 blood fin tetras
1 loach ( nowhere man)
1 golden loach (Goldie)
1 black oranda (coppertone)
1 pineapple swordtails (M, Luke.)
2 high fin Dalmatian mollies (M, Langton. F, Gwen)
1 high fin golden molly (F, Sarah)
1 sunburst tux platy (F, Cas)
2 red wag platies (M, Smith. M, Wesson)
1 Sunburst Mickey Mouse platy (F, unnamed)
1 pineapple swordtail (M, Timmy)
4 baby pineapple swordtails ( all F, unnamed)
2 pineapple swordtails (M, Jake. F, Ruby)

I also took home an African Chiclid from my Dad's office. He's in a hospital tank and has something wrong with his swim bladder so he'll probably be staying with us until the end.
Adding that cichlid would cause even more chaos to your rather unbalanced aquarium. What sort of loach is "1 loach"? I'm not sure, but I think that golden loaches are not appropriate because they get large and need groups. 
While you have a lot of livebearers, I wouldn't say they are beyond a manageable number. However, that oranda needs to go. Goldfish are not tropical fish. They like cool waters. The rest of your fish will enjoy high seventies. 
Once you get the problem fish out of there, you should up your schools. What sort of corydoras do you own? They are all schooling, but they only school with their own species, so you'll need at least four more of whatever type you've got. 
The neon tetras need a school, so finish that out. 
Black skirt tetras are really nippy, so you may want to rehome the one you have.
Bloodfin tetras need a school as well, but I'm not sure what the temperament is. You may be able to get away with finishing this school.
This is a lot of fish for this tank, but if you do at least two water changes a week, keep your water warm, never overfeed, then you should be okay.
Rehome list...
  • black skirt tetra
  • oranda
  • ALL live bearers would be recommended, and maybe get more neons or another schooling fish like rummie noses
The oranda needs to be rehomed, large bioload and coldwater fish.
The neon tetras need 6+
The cories need 6+ of same species as said
Up the bloods to 6+
The loaches also need about 6+ not sure if same species matters but they are social
Keep us updated on what your doing so we can give you proper numbers
Leave the cichlid out their territorial and will eat your neons and harass the others

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