My Tank Refuses To Cycle


Mostly New Member
Feb 15, 2014
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I have been attempting to cycle my tank for 5 weeks now. I've asked multiple fish shops and tried countless things, including using live plants and a plant bulb, adding a little food, keeping the tank warm and using stress-zyme bacteria. The ammonia has remained at 0.25 and nitrites have not risen above 0. The only thing changing is the pH, which is now up to 8.4. Anyone have any ideas...should I start over with bottled water? I have been using well water.
Have you been adding ammonia or just the fish food? Using fish food is not recommended as you can't measure how much you're putting in.
I'd take the fish food out, do a water change, pick up some ammonia, and start over following THIS.
If you do get some ammonia make sure that it doesn't have any additional ingredients (like perfumes). :)
I really applaud your patience. Altho, you need to add an ammonia source to your aquarium in order to start the cycle! Follow Ninj's link and it explains all!
Thanks. I have not been adding ammonia. Anyone know why my pH keeps climbing?
What is your pH normally? Have you tested it straight out of the tap & then after letting it sit for 24 hours? Did you add anything like bicarbonate soda?
No I didn't add anything. Out of the tap it is 7.5. I'm new to this whole thing...the back story is that I got a fish tank for my birthday, I set it up and thought I did everything right, then I added 2 fish and they died right away. I went back to the pet shop and they said to try a hardier fish. I did and those 2 died as well. I then tried a different pet shop and they said don't add any more fish, just do a fishless cycle. Now here I am...still no fish and a tank that's out of wack and won't cycle. :(
I would empty the water out and start again. You may well have some kind of bacteria in your filter so it won't set you back.

You then need to get hold of some household ammonia and dose as per the instructions at the top of the page. You also need a test kit for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, Basically the bacteria need something to eat and until you start dosing they won't start to establish. You need to measure the water daily and until ammonia and nitrite are both zero and nitrate is showing then it's not cycled.

It might sound tricky but actually it isn't and it gives you time to get some fish books or magazines and plan what it is you really want. Do you want plants? CO2? Will it be a regular community tank with guppies or have you got room for something a bit more special? There are so many choices having the time not to rush is great. I am still stuck with three danios I bought when I first started fishkeeping over two years ago that I rushed into getting as they were 'hardy first fish' but now I wish I had waited.
Heira said:
 I then tried a different pet shop and they said don't add any more fish, just do a fishless cycle.
It's rare to find a fish shop that will give you such good advice!  Kudos to them!  :good:
Hopefully now you can start your fishless cycle with ammonia and a test kit.  Good luck!
Heira said:
 I then tried a different pet shop and they said don't add any more fish, just do a fishless cycle.
Unfortunately, they didn't explain what a fishless cycle actually is - can't really blame you for not knowing.
As others have said, follow the procedure pinned at the top of this section of the forum, and you will be sorted very soon. And if you need any more help, just ask.

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