My Stocking Suggestion


New Member
Sep 4, 2012
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i told my wife she could pick the stocking for my tank (fluval roma 125 with internal u3 filter) and this is what she came up with

6 celestial pearl danio
1 bolivian ram
8 cardinal tetra
5 red minor serpae tetra
8 red cherry shrimp
5 ghost glass catfish
1 rainbow gourami

any thoughts on this stocking?in my opinion its better than what i had originally planned. aq has the filtration at 78%.they say theoretically it can go down as far as 65%.would an air pump add any extra filtration to the tank
No, an air pump won't add extra filtration. Personally, I would leave out the serpaes as they tend to be nippy in schools smaller than 8-10 fish. Maybe add one more glass cat in their place. I might also change the rainbow gourami for a pair of honey dwarfs or croaking gouramis. There is a disease that is currently affecting all the color varieties of the common dwarf gourami. You might be lucky and get a healthy one, but who knows.
Can you add a small hob or another internal if you want more filtration?
yeah i found a jbl internal filter that'll add the extra filtration i need.the rainbow gourami look healthy in the fish shop i was in so i think i'll take a chance with it.i might leave out the serpaes i wouldn't have enough room to add any extra to my list

thanks for the advice
if i replaced the serpaes with 4 platy (1m,3f) would that work?

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