My Rams And Brine Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Aug 20, 2011
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
I know that German Blue Rams and Electric Blue Rams can be picky eaters. I usually feed my rams Hikari Cichild Pellets and Frozen Bloodworms, depending on the day. I also add flakes to the combination for my croaking gouramis, as that seems to be their favorite thing to eat.

I recently bought a combo mix of 50% Brine Shrimp and 50% Bloodworms. I added it to the tank. The fish devoured the bloodworms in a hurry - but the shrimp? They acted as though it wasn't even food! My gouramis took a bite or two and spit it right back out. My rams did the exact same thing for the few times it attempted to eat them. I'm really bummed about this! I want to feed them as varied a diet as possible to keep their digestive systems in tip-top shape.

Any suggestions on getting them to eat, or explanations on why this is happening?

Thanks :)
Given time they will start to eat it. Fish can be very picky about food. Seems they develop a certain palate and new foods are taken reluctantly at first.
Maybe try some live brine shrimp first to get them to like it? My fish pretty much all go insane over live brine shrimp. :)

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