Fish Fanatic
My Red Tail/Tiger Shovelnose hybrid. He's about 6 inches and growing super fast. When I first got him he was set up with 5 Swordtails, 4 Mollies, and 2 Platies. Knowing they would eventually be food, which was the plan. they would make the tank look a little more stocked while he grew, and breed in time to produce some offspring for extra food. They all got along great, and now hes big enough for them to be snacks. He went through every one of them, plus a few crabs, ( trust me, not my decision, all the girlfriends even after I warned her exactly what would happen) and some ghost shrimp. The ghost shrimp may also be the fault of the Ropefish, but who knows. ( Before anyone says anything the Ropefish will be moved to another tank I'm planning on setting up with other Ropefish, possibly with some Angels? Has anyone ever kept them together, I think it would be a neat combination.) Anyways thanks for looking!