My Platy Gave Birth To 13 Dead Fetuses


Mostly New Member
Jun 18, 2013
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Really sad...
I was looking forward to breading platies for a long time. I got a pair about 5 week ago from the store, when she was definitely not pregnant. So I think this is just her first pregnancy. The white protruding thing on her anus has been conspicuous for more than a week. About two days ago her belly really looked like a square from the side. 
I saw her hiding in the shade this morning, with something definitely not poop hanging out her anus. So I am sure she is ready to drop now. I put her into the breading trap. The thing hanging out of her anus turned out to be the tail of a fetus. It took about half an hour for the mother to finally drop the first, as I expected, dead fetus. I thought it was her first delivery, so the first one might be just too difficult. However, in the next three hours, there are dead fetuses coming out one by one. Finally, 13 dead fetuses in total, with no single one alive.
I am so sad. I am thinking that maybe the first fetus got stuck for too long so the others were just kept held in her belly. I also saw some posts saying that this would be because I put her in the trap too late so she purposely held her babies due to stress.
Any suggestions? I have another pregnant female platy in the same tank. I think her due day would be in about one or two week. I am really worrying about her babies.
 to TFF, DFT!
Sorry to hear about the dead fry!
Personally I'd leave the next one in the main tank and have lots of plants and places for the fry to hide from the adults who will try to eat them. Some will be lost to predation but you'll get some survivors and they will be fitter for having to hide quickly! 
Once they start breeding platies usually have fry every 4-5 weeks so you'd end up with loads of fish and nowhere to put them if they all survive unless you have loads of spare tanks and equipment or friends to take them off your hands.
Hope the next birth goes ok. Keep us informed what happens.
Hi, sorry to hear about the fry, that's awful :(
I would do what mamashak said and leave the mum in her normal tank, this reduces any stress and she is less likely to abort.  You want to eliminate all stress for her and let her be. Platy fry are notoriously excellent at hiding. I keep giving the example of mine, I took everything out my fry tank, rearrange it all and still did not find the 2 fry I had in it. I thought they had all been eaten! 
Like mentioned above, keep us updated.
Thanks. I will put more plants into the tank. Keep fingers crossed.

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