My Planted Tank


Mostly New Member
Mar 18, 2014
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Ive been meaning to do this for a while, but here are a couple pictures from my 20 gallon planted tank


  • Tank1.jpg
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  • Tank2.jpg
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Nice tank starr. Your plants look real healthy. I've always found hexagonal tanks peculiar... By the way, what fish are in there?
2 Serpae Tetras
2 Pearl Danios
2 Dwarf Rainbows
2 Cory Cats
1 Oto Cat
1 Dwarf Clown Pleco
1 Gold Gourami
3 different Species of Anubias
1 amazon sword
2 mini java ferns
Well, the serpaes and danios need 5+ in a group. I'm not sure about rainbows. but I think they need a 20gallon of their own. Though im not 100% on that. I find that cories do better in groups of 3+. Oto's also need at least 3+. Pleco's will outgrow. The gourami's fine. How often do you change the water?
i do minor top up/ change once a week, more major water change every couple months
also, i for the pleco, its a dwarf clown it will only grow 2" max, i was told it would be fine for a 20gallon, ive had it two years and its still only 1.5".
the oto cats, i did have more but they died, and my local aquarium store is having trouble getting more in.
Yeah oto's normally die. I would recommend buying double what you need with otos because they are so weak. And I wasn't aware there is such thing as a dwarf clown pleco. Have you got confirmation???
Im not sure it there is a difference between a normal clown pleco or "dwarf clown pleco" or dwarf pleco, when researching they all come up the same. "dwarf clown pleco" was what it was called at the store. either way, they apperently are a small variety of pleco. 
They are a small variety, i do agree there. And shops often "accidentally" mis-label fish that aren't selling so well to increase sales. As with the dwarf plec i reckon. Btw, nice tank.
Your tank is quite badly overstocked and the combination of all the different species is not ideal.
Serpae Tetras need to be in groups of 5 or more, the same goes for the Danios, Cories, Rainbows and Otos. All of them are shoaling fish, they will become nervous and uncomfortable in a pair. The Pleco and Gourami aren't great choices for a tank of this size as well. They'll both grow to about 10-15cm and increase the bioload a whole lot, so if you want to keep them you will have to make some room. I know that you're not asking for advice, but I'm going to give it to you anyway.
Other than that, it's a nice little tank
most of my fish i do get as groups of 4 or 5, then after a while some die off leaving only one or two, then i get a bunch of another species. this tank has been running for years, thus the danios are the oldest, i think, then the rainbows next, the tetras are the youngest. although i admit i only got two tetras, not a group, but that was because they where sale price and there was only two left that where healthy. The danios and the rainbows seem to like to school together and as for the gourami....., i dont even know how long ive had it, again it was listed as a "dwarf" gourami at the store, until it grew then i researched found it was a gold gourami, it had been sold in the wrong tank. i think i should stop buying things at my local fish store that are listed as "dwarf" lol most of the times  they turned out not to be.
Lol. Yeah, don't listen to store labelling at all. And, your tank is overstocked, but id just do an extra water change tbh.
KieranBoyne said:
Lol. Yeah, don't listen to store labelling at all. And, your tank is overstocked, but id just do an extra water change tbh.
I wouldn't. I'd rehome the Pleco or Gourami at the very least.
oh. I thought someone already told him to rehome the plec. Oops, my bad. So yeah, rehome that pleco in afraid.

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