my oto's have ich !!


Lider op da pises.
Aug 30, 2004
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well this afternoon when i came home from school i zoomed in on one of my oto's and fond spots !! white spots !! and the other one has it too !!! so far they are the only ones with the spots...... this is the dillema

they are otos... catching them is close to impossible..... the second dillema... they are in a planted tank....

would adding malachite green or methelyn blue do damage to the plants ??? :( sheesh damn ich !!!

btw i have malachite green and methelyn blue stashed here from before, do they expire ?

i read around that raising the temp of my tank would help... well my tank is kinda warm already at roughly 30-33 DEG celcius :(

btw here are the inmates of my tank..

3 panda cory's
2 albino corys
3 otos
1 dalmatian molly
1 orange molly
2 buenos aires tetras

in a 15 gal tank with lots plants
malachite and methalene good. malachite and formula or formildahide is the go . i dont think it bothers plants but im not positive. they only expire if exposed to sunlight for a while being days..
33 deg over 24 hrs should kill whitespot
what is formaldihide ??? im gonna go to the lfs and get me new bottles, just to be sure, the malachite is pretty old and i meand old. around 2 years already. :( hmmm im gonna battle these pesky pests !!! btw do i change my water everyday ?!?!
why do you have to change water daily?
active constituants of white spot cure should be mal and form off the shelf . you know to remove carbon ....... if you want to change water daily then replace the meds at 20% of dose if you take out 20% of water ..howzat
i just read around the forums somewhere to change the water, i found the malachite with form, i just dosed the aquarium now but only 75% of the recommended dossage, just to be sure, and it says to add the malachite every other day for 3 days :) i hope the ich's go away
well my temp is at a constant 30-33 deg, its kinda hot here :) il update this thread as soon as the ich goes away... or if anything else happens. :)

*... gotta lower my tank temp after this

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