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Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I spotted these lil guys at my lfs back in the summer. They were tiny and there was only 3 but because I'd never seen this type before I just had to have them. I have asked the lfs in question to keep an eye out for some more so I can increase their number but so far they seem happy to just hang out with my other cories
So, here they are - Smudge Spot Cories


I'm a cory sucker and I admit it :D
They're so pretty! Never seen them before either. 
I've been trying to sex them. To begin with one was much larger than the other 2 and so I thought I'd got a female and 2 males but over time they've all grown and now they are all virtually the same size and so I have no idea whether they are male or female!
They look like they're female because of the large body and more rounded top side. But yeah I'd probably have to see a comparison as well.
there is three but I rarely get to see all three together so it's hard to compare. I think at least 2 are female, as you say more rounded. There is also a trick I was told a long time ago to do with the anal fins. Apparently they are a different shape depending on sex. One set is rounded and the other more pointed but I can't remember which way round it is!
I'd love these guys to multiply their number in the tank but unless I know what sex they are it's unlikely that will happen. They say the best scenario is two males to a female so if at least 2 are female any hope of breeding is out
Ah. Good luck sexing them and hopefully you'll get some eggs at some point!
I'll keep ya posted ... alternately I need to ask again at the lfs and see if they've managed to locate any more. They're big cory fans at my lfs so there is hope :)
Lucky you to have got hold of these.  This is one of my favourite species of cory.  We see them in North America rarely, for some reason, but I've had four since 2009, and this summer managed to get three more (all they had).  I last had them back in the late 1990's.
I've found that this species is less inclined to remain together; my corys are presently all together in my largest tank, and there are 45 of them representing some dozen or so species.  These Corydoras similis tend to be on their own most of the time, even though there are seven of them.
There is some variability in the pattern and colour with this species.  There is a blueish colour to the blotch at the base of the caudal fin and the anterior part of the fish has a beautiful mauve or sometimes golden sheen that can be quite reflective of light.
The species epithet similis is the Latin for "looks like," a reference to the similar colouration and pattern of this species with Corydoras ourastigma; this latter species has a long snout whereas C. similis is rounded.  But beyond this, there are four other species, Corydoras guapore, C. caudimaculatus, C. spectabilis and C. ourastigma, which have similar basic patterns, and except for the latter, these all occur in the Madeira/Guapore basin.  Only C. similis and C. ourastigma have a "smudged" blotch at the base of the caudal fin rather than a distinct spot as in other spotted-head species.  But, there can be quite a difference in the extent of this smudge.
The only way to sex most cory species is to view them from directly above.  Females will appear considerably plumper around than males, with adult fish (as those in the photos are).
They are beautiful! :eek:
If they breed as well as the rest of your cory I want first dibs on babies
They are a sweet little cory, I recently purchased 4 in the hope they where the same species as my 2 mystery corys that I have never been able to formally identify. The four I got are interesting in that two have large almost blue/ black smudges that take up half the body while the other two only have a small smudge. But both apart from having the same blunt face and fine spotting are not like my two mystery corys.

Mystery cory

thanks for the comments guys!
These are now vying for my favourite cory and I never thought the panda's would have competition. It's good to read Byron that it's normal for them to go off on their own. When I saw them at the lfs two were sat together and the third was off at the back of the tank sifting for food. This is still the case, the two larger ones in my photo tend to stay together and the smaller one (which I'm hoping is a male)  still prefers it's own company. It was out and about last night sifting for food by itself. All my cories are well fed and the only way I can sex the smaller cories (my panda's, melini and now the smudge spot) is by size - the males are slightly smaller. With the larger cories - my peppered and bronze - the more rounded and larger female is more obvious.
I fear I'm slowly turning into a mad cory woman. They are the only fish I want more of and if I see any more unusual one's there's not a herd of wild horses that will stop me buying them. I'm even prepared to wave bye bye to the BN and SAE's to make room for more if I have to!

Tooombsy said:
They are beautiful!

If they breed as well as the rest of your cory I want first dibs on babies
first dibs is mine until I get them up to 6, after that the 'spares' will be for sale so I'll let you know!
Thanks for those photo's Baccus, now I've seen how similar other types are I can be wary of checking before I buy :)
I think you might need to change your title from Fish Herder to Mad Cory Woman
. But I know what its like to need to collect all the types of cory available, I love them for their bumbling innocent personalities and peaceful nature to everything else in their tank. I just wish that  the more unusual corydoras here in Australia weren't A so hard to come by and B so expensive to actually get. If either of these things where not factors I think I would have a LOT more than my current herds of corys.
well today I glanced into the tank and all three of these guys were sat together in the open - a rare sight. I grabbed my camera ... unfortunately it's not a great photo as it was bright sunshine and there's some reflection on the glass but I thought I'd share it anyway

Like you Baccus ... I'd fill my tank with all the different cory types if I could but as you say ... the expense stops me too. My lfs currently have some black cories in stock. They've been on my wish list forever but at £6.50 each getting 5 or 6 is just not currently affordable ... and there's a growing lack of space now too. I need to up my melini number from 3 and now the smudge spot from 3 too.... that's 4 - 6 more to get my number up of the types I currently own. I need to be strong and resist .... at least for now lol

oh and if I can work out how to get rid of Fish Herder and replace it with 'mad cory woman' I will ... just for you :D

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