My New Tank Finally Has Fish

David J

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland

Here's a couple of pictures of my Fluval Roma 90L which I got at Christmas. I started the fishless cycle on 26th December and today I finally got my first fish, 7 Lemon Tetras.

Thanks very much to Eaglesaquarium for helping me so much with my cycle and thanks Daize for your advice and encouragement.

Let me know what you all think. Please give me feedback good or bad, it's how,we learn.


That's a stunning piece of wood!  The tank looks lovely, I'm so pleased for you.
(Oh and I like your astronomy pics too lol, I'd love to try that but I've only got a diddy telescope.)
Thanks Daize

I forgot the astronomy pics were up there. Those were my first attempts and not very good. Have done a lot better now. Astrophotography is a minefield much like fish keeping. Before you look into it you think 'how hard can I be? I'll have a go at that'. Then you quickly realise it is very technical with lots of variables to consider, not to mention the weather.

The plus side is that if you get it wrong, nothing dies, so you can do trial and error to your hearts content. Unlike fish keeping. That you really have to get right first time :)

Lovely tank. the only thing i may say/suggest is that 7 fish at one time, (especially when they are the first fish to be added) may cause problems. hope all goes well friend
PlumbersMerchant said:
Lovely tank. the only thing i may say/suggest is that 7 fish at one time, (especially when they are the first fish to be added) may cause problems. hope all goes well friend
Should be fine as it was a fishless cycle; one of the benefits is that you can pretty much fully stock in one go and it should handle the ammonia fine.

Looking good! Big fan of Romas.... Bet you already want a bigger tank though ;)

Thanks for looking.

Regarding adding 7 fish at a time, I had been given advice that after. The fishless cycle I could in theory fully stock. I wasn't confident doing that and after chatting on here I decided to stock gradually, one species at a time. That way I can keep a close eye on the condition of the water and know that the fish won't make a big impact on the water either.

Since adding the 7 Lemon Tetra I've been testing the water daily. The worst result I've had is 0-0.25ppm Ammonia, 0 Nitrite and 2.5 (ish)ppm Nitrate. Today, I have all 3 at zero. I haven't done any water changes yet. I think the plants are absorbing some nitrate. I am hoping to add some Cardinal Tetra on Friday so will probably do a water change on Thursday sometime.

The Roma is lovely and yes, I want bigger but this really was the biggest I could get without moving house or selling other furniture. :)

I have the roma 200. Great tank i love it. I do wish i got the 240 tho lol.

I too have lemon tetras i have 10 of them. Dont think i could have a community tank with out them. I think you should get a few more. There great when there swimming around together.

If your looking for more fish id advise getting cherry barbs. Another one of my fav community fish. The males looking fantastic.
I'm intending on adding more once I'm confident that the cycle is established and stable. I'm adding new fish after a week or so. Cherry barbs made my short list but I've opted for 10 cardinal tetras, 6 panda cory's, 3 Bolivian rams, 4 oto's and some cherry shrimp. It will take months before I get to the end as I want to do it carefully and let the system adjust gradually over time.

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