As some may know I was planning on getting a Betta for my office space. I wasn't planning to do this until March or so. I was hoping to plant a tank and have some growth before I introduced my fish. But I saw this guy and I just couldn't say no!! And it was totally by chance that I found him!!
Here he is:
I went out of town to visit a friend for her birthday. I almost didn't go because all of our other friends canceled and I didn't want it to be just the two of us at a club. Anyways I decided, heck it was her birthday, the least I could do was go with her.
So we went and ended up having a really great time.
Anyways, I'm a pretty early riser, but I didn't wake up until about 8:30.
Anyways I stopped at a cafe on my way back and had breakfast. I ended up reading my book there for about an hour. As I was leaving I realized there was a little pet shop next door. I realized it was a store I had heard a guy from a LFS I visit occasionally. So I decided to investigate.
I ended up finding a filter for the Betta tank I was planning on setting up, I also found a nice big piece of drift wood as well as 4 Zebra Danios, (2 of which were Albino, I didn't know they could be Albino, but I suppose any species can be Albino)
ANYWAYS! I was headed to the front when I came to the Betta unit and I saw this guy, he had two big stripes going horizontally down his side. But he was pretty active. I just had to have him, he cost a whopping 15$ CAN.
So can anyone tell me what type he is? I don't think he's veil tail, as they're usually like 4$...
He wasn't looking to well this morning though, he seemed rather lethargic, I'm hoping he'll have perked up when I get home..
Here he is:

I went out of town to visit a friend for her birthday. I almost didn't go because all of our other friends canceled and I didn't want it to be just the two of us at a club. Anyways I decided, heck it was her birthday, the least I could do was go with her.
So we went and ended up having a really great time.
Anyways, I'm a pretty early riser, but I didn't wake up until about 8:30.
Anyways I stopped at a cafe on my way back and had breakfast. I ended up reading my book there for about an hour. As I was leaving I realized there was a little pet shop next door. I realized it was a store I had heard a guy from a LFS I visit occasionally. So I decided to investigate.
I ended up finding a filter for the Betta tank I was planning on setting up, I also found a nice big piece of drift wood as well as 4 Zebra Danios, (2 of which were Albino, I didn't know they could be Albino, but I suppose any species can be Albino)
ANYWAYS! I was headed to the front when I came to the Betta unit and I saw this guy, he had two big stripes going horizontally down his side. But he was pretty active. I just had to have him, he cost a whopping 15$ CAN.
So can anyone tell me what type he is? I don't think he's veil tail, as they're usually like 4$...
He wasn't looking to well this morning though, he seemed rather lethargic, I'm hoping he'll have perked up when I get home..