My New 4Ft Upgrade...stage 1


Apr 30, 2012
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Hey everyone,

Today I swapped over from my 3ft to my 4ft. After resealing the tank, I only paid £10 for it! I have set it up in my lounge. I have built a black hood for it and added a new light. I also used sand instead of gravel. I have a large piece of bogwood coming anlong with a massive 3ft tank plant collection. I will be looking at adding more fish once its cycled etc...what do you think ??










Thanks for looking, Ben
The tank looks like it's overhanging slightly, is it fully supported by the cabinet? If not, that needs to be fixed ASAP.
i currently have 2 dwarf cichlid, 2 dwarf gourami, 6 columbian tetra and one neon does overhang yes but why does that matter?
Because the sheer weight of the water and the glass with nothing to support it is a disaster waiting to happen, it may crack if not supported adequately. I would seriously look into a bigger cabinet or getting hold of some plywood the same size or bigger than the tank to put underneath.
my tank over hangs and it is fine been like this for a year
well your wrong, sorry! The weight of this tank is spread over enough space to distribute the weight correctly. The cabinet is supported inside by struts, I have seen tank stands that leave the tank overhanging by 1 to 2 feet each side!
Well it's your carpet, but it is a lot if weight on the glass & seals, I wouldn't risk it myself for the sake of a bit of plywood.
now im worried, to be honest it should be fine as the weight is spread over a huge area, well I hope so anyway
I too would never risk it. The whole tank needs to be supported with no overhang. I know of tanks breaking with only a few mm overhang each side. Each litres of water weighs 1kg. That's a lot of strain on the seals
okies, lucky enough I have a piece of wood for the exact size so ill put it under the tank to be safe
yep will do, im hoping the bogwood and plants arrive tomorrow so if they do ill put some pics up
I was just going to comment on the overhang too :blush: , I've seen some cracked tanks on here due to an unsuitable base, not woth the risk :)

Can't wait to see how you get on with this tank!

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