My Krib Is A Moody Cow - Help!


Fish Herder
Feb 3, 2012
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I have added a female krib to a 200l, she was a bit of an impulse purchase - I wish there was a suitably ashamed smiley - because I believed the woman at the fish store who recommended one for getting rid of snails in a community tank and swore she would not be aggressive without a mate.

I knew they could pick on long-finned and slow fish so we did a bit of moving around between tanks to accommodate her and thought she would be ok, but I came down this morning (second night) and something has had a go at two of the platy's fins. She has a distinctly guilty look about her (ok, she doesn't but it's obvious who the culprit is!)

Could it be that this is just a settling in period, or is it likely I have an aggressive fish? I did a bit of research and I thought they would be compatible being middle and surface dwellers.

Or.... should I move her into her own tank? If so, are there any small fish that could be kept with her safely, or would she be alright on her own? We're looking to do a proper planted tank but hadn't got any stocking plans as yet.
I would get her a male Krib so she could take her anger out on him.

I had a pair of kribs and she would take her aggression out on the male but I think she died after she spawned. I remember see all the baby fry the one day the next day they were all gone and then the female died a couple of days later.
I think I have learned my lesson about buying more fish to solve problems... And I don't want baby kribs!
As above, the (seemingly very knowledgeable) fish shop lady said they eat snails - they had one in each tank at the shop and it seemed like a more attractive alternative to some assassins. We had seen kribs before and wanted to get a pair when we set up the tank but realising they could be territorial went against the idea, however stupidly I was convinced (probably wanted to believe!) that one on her own would be ok! :blink:

She is still a stunning fish though, even if she is a spiteful so and so! :crazy:
OK we turn the lights off and she started going mental at everyone in the tank - she is outta there!
What fish have you left with the female Krib besides the Platties?

As far as snail eating dwarf cichlids goes, I can highly recommend Steatocranus casuarius (Lionhead Cichlids), they love them... I discovered the hard way when I saw my first one nipping the fins of a poor Rabbit Snail.

I have my own randomly aggressive dwarf African cichlid right now, my ~2 weeks owned young Steatocranus tinanti male. I moved him and the female away from from goodeid newborns after I'm pretty sure I saw him treat one as "live lunch" in the 48x12x15, so I moved them to the Rio240 (which has 4 Hoplos; 8 Liomones Goodeid teenage adults; 1 Rubbernose; 8 Rainbow/Pastel Congo Tetra). This fella is being evil to my four Hoplos, sneaking upto them anywhere on the tank floor and then giving them nasty fin nips... He spent the last 24 hours in the "naughty spot" hang-on breeding net!
if you wanted something that eat the snails then go for assasin snails there meat eaters so wont eat your plants either and look great as look like mint humbugs ... but kribensis dont eat snails atal ..... ive got no idea as for the reason why she is so aggressive maybe aggressive in nature as all fish have different personalitys .... ive never had problems with aggression from any form of pelvicachromis that i keep/breed
Ok she is now in solitary... Is there anyone I can safely put with her? I am guessing tetras would be ok?
Ok she is now in solitary... Is there anyone I can safely put with her? I am guessing tetras would be ok?

Bump - I have now got a 125 for her... so who will be good tankmates? I am guessing no platies! Or am I better moving the platies to the 125 and putting her back in the 200.... decisions decisions!
Give us a full list of what fish you have.

Like my Lionhead Cichlids, I'm a strong believer in Kribs needing tankmates that are robust species and are a good size match for the cichlid, smaller and fragile tankmates are likely to suffer if the cichlids ever turn pyscho. There are exceptions, but generally this means putting the cichlid in at least a 3-foot if unbonded and the longer the better if bonded and breeding.
Empty 125 tank, will just be her at the moment.

In my 200l tank I have 6 danios, 12 cardinal tetras, 6 peppered cories, two dwarf gourami, a baby bristlenose (new today) and 7 platies. I have another 65l tank with guppies, platies and pygmy cories and a clown plec.

Any ideas? Maybe I will start a thread in tropical discussion, I don't have a clue where to start!
By Danios do you mean Zebra or Leopards? They would be my choice from that lot, they should stay up near the water surface, especially if your give them the strongest current of the tank up there. They are also very fast fish compared to anything else you have!

If you are going to add the danios to the 125l tank for simplicity tonight, pull the female Krib out and put her in a bucket, while you completely rearrange the tank before releasing the danios. Give them as long as you can tonight to aquaint themselves to the tank without the Krib in and release the female Krib a short while before you retire for the night.

Can you give us the dimensions of your 125l and 200l please?
Do your Platties not stay in the upper water? Is this possibly influenced by having a powerhead or filter giving a stronger current down lower in the tank?
Dimensions of 200l is 100 x 40 x 55 cm, heavily planted with lots of bogwood, 125l is 80 x 35 x 45 and came with a 3D background so i'm going to make it more rocky.
Danios are zebras.

I am not moving anyone else around tonight - I've shifted one tank to make room for it and set it up. Currently she's chilling on her own in a tiny weeny edge, not ideal but it's heated and filtered it won't be for long.

I may just have to take her back... I will be sad to as she's so pretty, but it would be such a waste of a nice tank if she kept maiming her neighbours!

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