I have added a female krib to a 200l, she was a bit of an impulse purchase - I wish there was a suitably ashamed smiley - because I believed the woman at the fish store who recommended one for getting rid of snails in a community tank and swore she would not be aggressive without a mate.
I knew they could pick on long-finned and slow fish so we did a bit of moving around between tanks to accommodate her and thought she would be ok, but I came down this morning (second night) and something has had a go at two of the platy's fins. She has a distinctly guilty look about her (ok, she doesn't but it's obvious who the culprit is!)
Could it be that this is just a settling in period, or is it likely I have an aggressive fish? I did a bit of research and I thought they would be compatible being middle and surface dwellers.
Or.... should I move her into her own tank? If so, are there any small fish that could be kept with her safely, or would she be alright on her own? We're looking to do a proper planted tank but hadn't got any stocking plans as yet.
I knew they could pick on long-finned and slow fish so we did a bit of moving around between tanks to accommodate her and thought she would be ok, but I came down this morning (second night) and something has had a go at two of the platy's fins. She has a distinctly guilty look about her (ok, she doesn't but it's obvious who the culprit is!)
Could it be that this is just a settling in period, or is it likely I have an aggressive fish? I did a bit of research and I thought they would be compatible being middle and surface dwellers.
Or.... should I move her into her own tank? If so, are there any small fish that could be kept with her safely, or would she be alright on her own? We're looking to do a proper planted tank but hadn't got any stocking plans as yet.