My goldfish is ill...


New Member
Jun 9, 2004
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Reading UK
Hi all,

I have a small garden pond with 8 assorted size goldfish in it. The ammonia levels have been a bit high so I put some ammo lock in, this seemed to do real good.

Did about a 50% water change today and scrapped alot of gunge out of the bottom of the pond (I assume this is a good thing to do?)

Checked out the goldfish and one of the little ones looked very ill. Put hinm in a bucket on his own and he is just floating near the bottom, at about 45 degrees face down. he is fluttering his fins a bit but not much.

On his right side towards the tail is a big white chunk about 1/2 an inch round, it seems to be scales missing, or an infection or something.

I don't think he has been attacked, but may well be diseased?

Any ideas what the problem might be or more importantly how I should look after him?

To be honest I think he's a goner, he don't look too good.

ALL the other 7 fish seem lively and quite happy.


Andy Watkins
Did you add all the fish at once? How long was it before you noticed the high ammonia levels? How big is the pond?

Try not to scrape out all the gunge as it is a home for aquatic larve and insects which the fish feed on. From your description it sounds like a fungal infection but I couldn't be sure yet. Do you have a picture? :)

Not sure about the ammonia, I would say about a week, but all others are fine so don't think that has been lethal, not great I am sure but others are OK.

No fish were added over about a month starting with the little ones and building up.

I think an infection is very possible.

My wife thinks he looks as though he has gotten "scraped" or something and then this has become infected?

I have him in a bucket of clean slightly warm water (70 degrees) at the moment on his own. It's the floating head down that makes me think he isn't going to make it?


PS Sorry no picture
Cuts or abrasions can be treated by painting the wound with mercurochrome or similar solutions every 3-5 days until the wound has healed. You could also place the fish in isolation in a solution to treat the cut or abrasion. This may be a simple as adding salt to reduce infection. Sadly your fish sounds quite bad, I would advise you to visit the lfs and see what medicines and treatments they have available. Best of luck. :)
I'll be praying for your little fish. Gee....God must have had fun making the fish world!

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